There are different ways to calculate the recommended electrical power for a home or business. Since 2018, it has been possible to contract electrical power in increments of 0.1 kW in 0.1 kW. If you need to change the electrical power you have contracted, you have all the information in the previous link.
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All the information to calculate the electrical power that you should contract for your home or business.
Hire the recommended electrical power to avoid paying more on your electricity bill.
Prices and requirements to change electrical power.
What electrical power do I have to hire for my apartment?
Deciding what electrical power to hire for an apartment is a decision that can help us save on electricity bills.
When choosing which light power to hire, we may face the following situations:
Contracted power less than necessary:
On the one hand, we can have a contractedelectrical power lower than what we need.
In this case, the Power Control Switch (ICP) will trip and cut off the power supply for a short period of time.
This is what we know as "jumping the leads."
Contracted power greater than what we need:
On the other hand, the electrical power we have contracted may be higher than what we really need. On this occasion, the ICP will not jump but we will pay more on our electricity bill for the fixed or power term.
Having said this, any consumer can decide to change the contracted power at any time.
To do this you will have to contact the electricity supplier.
It is very important to keep in mind that if we decide to change electrical power, whether to increase or decrease it, We will not be able to change it again until after 12 months.
Below, you can check the approximate electrical power of the most common appliances in your apartment:
What power do appliances need in an apartment?
Appliance Approximate power
Microwave 1 kilowatt
Television 0.5 kilowatts
Refrigerator 0.5 kilowatts
Washing machine 1.5 kilowatts
2 kilowatt oven
Vitroceramic 1.5 kilowatts
Dishwasher 2 kilowatts
Toaster 0.5 kilowatts
Electric heating 2 kilowatts
In the following table you can consult the approximate powers in common homes according to the size and residents who live there:
Recommended power according to size and residents.
Home size Residents Approximate power
50-80 m2 1/2 people 3.45 - 4.6 kilowatts
90-110 m2 3/4 people 4.6 - 5.75 kilowatts
100-130 m2 4 / 6 people 5.75 - 6.9 kilowatts
What is electrical power?
Electrical power determines the number of electrical devices that we can connect to the network simultaneously.
When contracting an electricity rate, you must choose an electrical power that meets the needs of the users.
Electrical power appears reflected in the electricity bill under the concept of billing by power, billed power or power term and is measured in Kilowatts (kW).
This concept reflects the fixed amount that must be paid each month for the kilowatts (kW) that we have contracted, that is, the fixed part that must be paid every month regardless of the consumption made.
Contracting the necessary electrical power can help the user pay less on their bills each month and will avoid possible momentary power outages due to exceeding the contracted power.
In Spain, the average electrical power is between 3.45 kW and 4.6 kW.
How to calculate the electrical power that I should contract?
It is very important to know what the recommended electrical power is for my home or business. When calculating the electrical power to be contracted, the following aspects must be taken into account:
How much consumption each appliance generates and how many are we going to connect at the same time.
Number of people residing in the home.
Dimensions of the property.
Know if we have a single-phase or three-phase installation.
The contracted power must be less than the maximum admitted power indicated in the electrical bulletin.
If the client needs to contract a power greater than this, they will have to request a new bulletin and make the pertinent modifications to the electrical installation.
There are different methods to calculate the light power that best suits personal needs at each supply point:
Hire a licensed electrician to perform an electrical analysis based on the appliances in the home.
Use a power calculator.
Some companies make tools available to their customers that help calculate the recommended electrical power.
Measure kilowatts (kW) manually.
It is possible to estimate the kilowatts of each appliance manually, although it is usually a long and tedious process that few people carry out.
It is the least recommended option.
To calculate the electrical power that my home needs, it is important to take into account the simultaneity factor, which indicates the number of times that the appliances can be connected at the same time.
The maximum value of this index is 1, which would mean that all devices are working at the same time all day.
Normally, a value of 0.5 is used for intensive use of household appliances and a value of 0.25 if they are used more sporadically.
Electric power formula
The recommended electrical power can be calculated by adding the kilowatts (kW) of power that each appliance has:
Television (0.5 kW) Ceramic hob (1.5 kW) Washing machine (1.5 kW) Oven (2 kW) Dishwasher (2 kW) Refrigerator (0.5 kW) Microwave (1 kW) Heating (2 kW) = 11 kW.
The simultaneity factor of 0.25 must be applied to the total kW and 1 kW must be added to the final result to calculate the minimum contracted power:
Total kW (11 kW) * 0.25 1 kW = 3.75 kW
Formula to calculate the price of contracted power
We can consult the price of the contracted power in each of the invoices issued in the "Invoice summary" or "Invoice details" section under the concept of contracted power or invoiced power.
ANDThe amount of power is conditioned by the number of kilowatts (kW) contracted and the price per kilowatt set by the company with which we have contracted our electricity rate.
Formula to calculate the price of electrical power Example:
Tpower term = contracted kilowatts (3.45 kW) * Price per Kilowatt (€0.1228/kW) * billing days (31 days) = €13.13
We can carry out a study of your bill and help you reduce the contracted power to pay less on your bills. You can contact us through the following telephone number:
666 24 24 20
New sections of electrical power
Once we have seen the importance of contracting the recommended electrical power and how to calculate it, it is also important to know that the light power is defined by the type of installation that each user has.
In this way, there are two types of electrical installations that users can have at home, a single-phase installation or a three-phase installation.
A single-phase installation
It is one that conducts energy through a single electric current.
A three-phase installation
It is one that distributes energy through three electric currents that will all have the same frequency.
Therefore, when contracting the light with
For any electricity supplier, it is important to take into account the type of installation that the home has since this will determine the electrical power that we can contract depending on the section in which we are located.
In addition, it is also important to know that when we are going to choose an electrical power to contract, we must choose a standardized power.
Since 2006, all electrical powers have been standardized and are the same for all electricity companies.
Since October 2018, as a result of Royal Decree 1164/2001, it will not be necessary to contract a standardized power, but rather the client will be able to contract the section of electrical power in multiples of 0.1kW if it does not exceed 15kW, that is, they will be able to contract the electrical power that best suits your needs.
Newly built homes usually have a single-phase installation. You can check if you have a single-phase or three-phase installation in the electrical bulletin.
How much does it cost to change the contracted power?
When changing the electrical power we must pay an amount that will appear reflected in the next electricity bill issued.
If you want to change the contracted power and the installation is more than 20 years old, it will be necessary to request the electrical bulletin to be able to make the modification.
Below, you can see the prices involved in increasing or decreasing the electrical power.
How much does it cost to increase the contracted electrical power?
When increasing the contracted power, the corresponding extension and access rights must be paid for each Kilowatt of power that is desired to be increased.
The other mandatory payment concept is the hitch fees, the latter are paid both to increase the power and to reduce it.
Price for increasing the contracted power
Extension rights: €17.37 per kW VAT
Access rights: €19.70 per kW VAT
Down payment fees: €9.04 VAT
What is the price for reducing the contracted power?
To reduce the contracted power, we only have to pay the down payment fees, which represent a total of €9.40 VAT.
This amount will appear on the next electricity bill.
Price for reducing the contracted power
Down payment fees: €9.04 VAT
Necessary requirements to change electrical power
To change electrical power, whether to increase or decrease it, the user must contact the light marketing company (at ESME ENERGY, we carry out all these procedures, completely free), and must provide the following documentation.
Name and surname of the owner of the electricity supply.
Exact address of the supply point.
Current contracted power and required electrical power.
Universal Supply Point Code (CUPS).
Bank account of the owner.
Sign annex of the Marketer.
How long does it take to change electrical power?
Changing the contracted electrical power is not an immediate process but takes between 15 and 20 business days to become effective.
This is because a technician has to go to the home to modify the ICP once the distributor has accepted the request.
It is possible that the customer will receive a final invoice with the electrical power contracted previously.
The receipt corresponding to the next billing period will already include the new electrical power along with the relevant expenses.