What is the gas access toll or fee? New changes in October
All users who have natural gas in their home must pay the corresponding amounts for access tolls on their gas bill. Starting in October 2021, new calculations will begin to be applied on these regulated concepts that may affect your receipt.
What are natural gas access tolls?
Gas access tolls are paid on the natural gas bill and are applied directly to both the fixed term and variable term amounts. It is a regulated concept that is paid for having access to the gas transportation network and for its maintenance.
The price of these gas tolls is calculated annually by the CNMC and must be approved by the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism before being made public at the beginning of January of each year.
Some companies reflect in theirnatural gas billsthe amount equivalent to the costs regulated under the “access toll cost” section.
Not everyone has to pay the same access toll, this varies depending on the annual gas consumption and the pressure with which it reaches the supply point.
Classification of natural gas access tolls
The majority of domestic users, small and medium-sized businesses have a pressure of less than 4 bars and the following tolls are established depending on annual gas consumption:
Access rate 3.1: for consumption of up to 5,000 kWh/year. It is normally found in homes that have hot water and a kitchen running on natural gas. Although some homes equipped with gas heating but with low consumption may also have this access toll.
Access rate 3.2: for consumption greater than 5,000 kWh/year up to 50,000 kWh/year. This toll is common in homes that also have gas heating.
Access rate 3.3 and 3.4: this access rate is applied above all in small or medium-sized companies or communities of owners with consumption greater than 50,000 kWh/year but that still do not exceed the pressure of 4 bars.
The gas access rate is assigned by the area's gas distributor according to annual consumption.
In the event that you are going toturn on the gas, the company establishes an access rate based on an estimate of consumption.
Every year the distribution company will study your gas consumption to check that you still have the access rate that best suits your consumption, otherwise it can modify it for another. The gas access toll price is different depending on the access rate contracted.
What changes will gas tolls undergo with the new regulations?
Starting in October 2021, the new methodology for calculating gas access tolls will begin to be applied, adjusting it to European regulations, as stated in theRoyal Decree 1184/2020.
The main changes will be:
With the new regulations, all companies (regardless of whether they belong to the free or regulated market) will be obliged to break down in the gas bill the amount equivalent to access tolls and system charges.
This change does not affect the user financially, the only difference is that we will be able to identify on our invoice what we pay for each concept, both still included within “access tolls”.
What do we pay for access toll?
Access tolls cover all natural gas regasification, transportation, distribution and storage activities.
What do we pay for system charges?
The system charges are allocated to costs not associated with the use of the networks (CNMC rate, mismatches between income and system costs, supply costs in island territories, etc.)
The calculation of access tolls will be done at the beginning of October and not in January. The gas year changes with the new regulations, from then on it will be from October 1 to September 30.
In relation to network access tolls, new groups appear, which represents a greater adjustment according to the type of consumer and their annual consumption.
New access tolls to the local gas network
Annual consumption
Less than or equal to 5,000 kWh
Between 5,000 and 15,000 kWh
Between 15,000 and 50,000 kWh
Between 50,000 and 300,000 kWh
With current regulations, a customer who consumes 10,000 kWh of gas per year pays the same toll as one who consumes 40,000 kWh. This change primarily benefits domestic consumers with consumption of less than 15,000 kWh.
To relocate consumers according to these new rate groups, the gas consumption generated from July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021 will be taken into account. If it is a new supply, it will be established based on the estimated consumption.
Another novelty is that the fixed term now maintains an annual and not a monthly price, distributed according to the number of days that make up the billing period.
Regarding billing terms, customers whose consumption does not exceed 100,000 kWh per year may pay their bill monthly or bimonthly. Of course, customers who consume more than 100,000 kWh/year will receive their bills on a monthly basis.
All these changes must be communicated at least 3 months in advance by the marketing company with which you have contracted your gas rate.
5 falsos mitos sobre el ahorro en calefacción
En pleno invierno y con tantas horas que pasamos en casa debido al aumento de las restricciones por la Covid, la mayoría de los hogares están incrementando de forma considerable su gasto energético. La calefacción está aumentando mucho el recibo y, si no se hace un buen uso de ella, puede suponer un gran desembolso durante estos meses.
Por este motivo, te desvelamos los falsos mitos que existen sobre el uso de la calefacción y te ofrecemos estos 5 consejos para reducir tu factura.
Calentar un poco la vivienda durante todo el día produce un ahorro en la factura
Son muchas las personas que creen que es mejor calentar el hogar durante todo el día en lugar de apagar y encender la calefacción cuando es necesario. Esta afirmación es falsa, ya que el calentamiento constante requiere un esfuerzo continuo de las calderas y radiadores. Por este motivo, mientras estás fuera de la vivienda, es recomendable bajar la calefacción o apagarla. También es aconsejable, para evitar el frío al llegar a casa si tienes una vivienda domotizada, encender desde el teléfono móvil el termostato para que caliente el hogar un rato antes de tu llegada.
La temperatura adecuada para calentar tu casa oscila entre los 24 y 25°
Esta afirmación también es falsa, ya que estas temperaturas son demasiado altas y pueden afectar a la calidad del sueño, provocar dolores de cabeza y una subida en la factura. Para calentar el hogar a la temperatura ideal, te recomendamos regular el termostato a unos 21 grados de temperatura, además de cerrar estancias en las que no se suele estar y mantener apagados los radiadores en las habitaciones en las que no sea necesario.
Calentar el hogar con gas es más caro que hacerlo con electricidad
Aunque es cierto que la instalación de una caldera de condensación de gas es cara, a largo plazo, te ayudará a ahorrar, ya que calentar la casa con una calefacción de gas es más barato que hacerlo con radiadores eléctricos.
Aislar algunas zonas del hogar supone un gran desembolso
Realizar algunas mejoras en el aislamiento de la vivienda supone un gasto extra y muchas personas piensan que no es necesario. Sin embargo llevarlo a cabo puede suponer un ahorro en el recibo de hasta un 30%. Una de las opciones que te proponemos es colocar un burlete debajo de las puertas y ventanas. Esta pieza sirve para aislar espacios impidiendo la filtración del frío en la vivienda.
Las ventanas no deben abrirse en invierno para mantener el calor dentro de la vivienda
No ventilar es una mala idea si quieres ahorrar energía. De hecho, la ventilación es fundamental para renovar el aire dentro del hogar y, si no se hace, aumentará la humedad dentro de la vivienda y se consumirá más energía porque el aire húmedo es más difícil de calentar. Por eso es recomendable abrir las ventanas para ventilar tu casa de 5 a 10 minutos al día, como mínimo.
Además, si sueles secar la ropa en el interior de la casa, asegúrate de colocar el tendedero lo más cerca posible de la ventana para evitar la humedad.
The electricity bill skyrockets in the month of January
The electricity bill for the first month of 2021 has experienced a large increase compared to the months of 2020. Specifically, the electricity bill has become 23% more expensive compared to the previous month, which translates into a bill for an average consumer of 71.05 euros.
This January the electricity bill is at levels similar to those of January 2017, where the electricity bill stood at 76 euros.
January electricity bill in the last five years
Invoice month
Regarding the average price of each hour, it should be noted that the highest sections this time correspond to 8:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. at night, placing the price per kilowatt hour (kWh) at €0.1664.
Once again, the cheapest hours correspond to those in the early morning, with the price per kilowatt hour (kWh) reaching €0.0567 between 04:00 and 05:00.
In the case of natural gas, those who have contracted the TUR 3.1 rate will have to pay a monthly bill of €30.32, while those who have contracted the TUR 3.2 rate will have to pay a monthly bill of €67.51.
Moves 2021 Plan: 400 million euros in aid for the purchase of electric vehicles
The Government has confirmed that there will be a MOVES 2021 Plan to allocate a total of 400 million euros in aid for the acquisition of electric vehicles.
The Minister for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, Teresa Ribera, announced this during the Energy Sector Conference after the meeting she had with the representatives of the Autonomous Communities.
The objective is to lay the foundations for the creation of a Recovery, Transformation and Residence Plan to encourage the sector after a year with great losses due to the pandemic.
The aid will focus on three lines of action:
Promote electrical self-consumption in buildings and homes
Increase electric mobility
Improve municipalities with less than 5,000 inhabitants
Who can benefit from the Moves 2021 Plan?
The allocation of the Moves 2021 Plan will quadruple the previous one, which had 100 million euros. People who want to buy an electric car, a plug-in hybrid or install a charging point will be eligible for this aid.
In 2020, the amount of aid ranged from 1,900 to 5,500 euros, with the lowest being for hybrid vehicles while the highest was intended for electric vehicles.
The announcement of the Moves 2021 Plan comes just a few weeks after the Council of Ministers gave the green light to reduce the VAT on electric cars from 21% to 4%.
A historic measure for the electric mobility sector that has just come into force and has the support of the European Commission. Precisely, in May 2020, this institution already put the proposal on the table with the aim of eliminating this tax and launching the European Union's Environmental Action Program, which aims to stop CO2 emissions.
Energy efficiency label:
Changes in devices A+++,A++,A+
The energy label identifies the most efficient appliances that generate less electricity consumption. Having efficient electrical appliances can mean great savings on your electricity bill. We tell you everything you need to know about the energy efficiency label.
What is the energy label and what is it for?
The energy label is a sticker or plate that most appliances have and which is used to identify the degree of energy efficiency of each one, that is, which appliance consumes more or less energy.
That appliances have a high-level energy label can be aenergy consumption savingsimportant, as well as a greater contribution to environmental development.
This change, which will affect all member countries of the European Union, aims to more clearly identify the most efficient devices.
Until then, the degree of energy efficiency has been measured with the letters, from highest to lowest efficiency (A+++, A++, A+, A, B, C, D), with this change the aim is to eliminate levels A+++, A++ and A and Finally, leave it on a scale of 7 letters from A to G, with label A being the most efficient and G being the lowest.
With the new energy label it is intended to leave the letter A only for those appliances that are really efficient in consumption, although for the moment at most they will only be able to reach grade B, since level A is being reserved for new appliances improved in this term. .
Classification of appliances according to their energy label
It is from March 2021 when theEuropean regulationsrelated to the new energy label, so all appliances purchased before that date will have the "traditional label" incorporated.
Classification of appliances energy label "old"
Different letters and colors are identified on this label, each of them referring to a degree of energy efficiency.
A+++: It comes in dark green color and represents the highest level of energy efficiency. These appliances have an energy consumption of less than 25% and are the ones that need the least energy to operate.
A++: represented by the color green, these devices generate a consumption of less than 30%.
A+: the tone that represents it is a lighter green, to function they generate a consumption of between 30% and 40%.
A: They are identified with the color yellow, and it means that the consumption they generate ranges between 40% and 55%.
B: orange label. In this case the consumption ranges between 55% and 75%.
C: intense orange color, these devices can generate a consumption of between 75% and 90%.
D: red color, they are the least efficient appliances and require the most energy to operate. They can generate a consumption of between 90% and 100%.
Appliance classification "new" energy label
The new energy label model classifies appliances according to their consumption as follows:
A: is represented by the color dark green. This is a label that will incorporate improved appliances with high energy efficiency not known until then.
B: green in color, it would match the A+++ label above.
C: is related to the A++ label and has a slightly intense green color.
D: yellow in color and corresponds to the A+ value of the "old" energy label.
E: it is identified by the color orange and is related to value A in the previous list.
F: in an intense orange color, they encompass the group of appliances in group B of the old label.
G: this is the group with the lowest energy efficiency, it is represented with the color red. Unlike the previous group, this new category includes appliances that generate between 75% and 100% of consumption, which in the previous list corresponded to group C and D.
Is it mandatory for all appliances to include the energy label?
Not all appliances have to include the energy label. This badge is mandatory on the following devices:
Which appliances have an energy label?
With the appearance of the new energy label starting in 2021, some of the previous appliances will not be required to incorporate it, although they will be included progressively. Those who are required to maintain this label are:
How much can I save with A+++ energy label appliances?
Approximate savings with appliances (refrigerator) of category A+++
130 kWh/year
190 kWh/year
260 kWh/year
320 kWh/year
440 kWh/year
560 kWh/year
650 kWh/year
kWh price = 0.1198 €
We check how the annual energy consumption generated by a highly energy efficient appliance (A+++) is less than another appliance from another category. Consumption translates into money, the greater the energy consumption, the greater the amount to pay in the
electricity bill
Approximately 55% of the total consumption generated in a home comes from the use of household appliances, so having efficient appliances can considerably reduce the amount of bills.
What information does the energy label collect?
The energy label collects information related to the appliance in question. All labels must include at least the following data:
Depending on the type of appliance, the energy label may include other additional information.
Apart from the aforementioned data, the energy label of refrigerators incorporates other extra information:
Energy label on washing machines
The energy efficiency label for washing machines also includes data such as:
The label on dishwashers also includes:
Energy label on air conditioning
The air conditioning also includes the following on its energy efficiency label:
Energy label on air conditioning
The energy efficiency label for washing machines also includes data such as:
What is the difference between the label and the energy certificate?
For his part, theenergy certificateIt is a document that provides direct information about the property in question, and indicates its degree of energy efficiency and the amount of CO2 emissions of that home or business.
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